Gran Torino

Gran Torino is a film released in 2008, staring Clint Eastwood – a war veteran trying to comes to terms with the multicultural society his neighborhood is turning into.


(Gran Torino movie poster, picture taken from

It is an excellent film, with a 8,2 rating on IMDB, portraying multiculturalism, its challenges and its benefits.

Before watching the film you will be given the movie poster and some questions about the symbolism and importance of cars, and the city of Detroit, about American war veterans and Asian Americans in the USA.

Write a short blog post where you analyze the movie poster – what kind of impression does it give of the movie?

Also, try to answer the questions you have been given in this blog post. It should be posted on your blog today, as you will have about 45 minutes to work with it in class.


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