Studying abroad project

Many of us dream (or have done so) about studying somewhere that is else – experiencing a different country, culture and climate while getting a degree at the same time.

Having spent time abroad can also look good on your resume when applying for future jobs, it might say something about your ability to adapt to new settings, to working in a language not your own, and your sense of adventure.

person holding terrestrial globe scale model taken
Photo by Artem Bali on

You started on Monday, and throughout the next week, you will plan your year of studying abroad, and then present this plan orally. Here’s what you need to do:

First you need to find out what you want to study and where. You can take this test if you need inspiration.

Find a real university that offer this study program and find out what you need to do to apply there. Grades, college interview, personal statement, recommendations from teachers??? How much does it cost to study there?  Do you need some sort of student visa – how do you get that? is a website that offers a lot of information about these sort of things.

What kind of student activities do this town offer? What do you want to do in your spare time? Plan this too. 

Where will you live? Find a place – look at actual listings for apartments or student dorms in your chosen city.

What about the culture in this country – are there rules of behavior you need to adapt to? Communications, festivals, food, religions…

Make a prezi, a power point or a video where you present your study plans. This will be graded orally.

There is no required LENGTH – I know how much you love to ask about that, but if you want a good grade you should make sure that you answer all the assignment asks of you.

Useful websites:


  • bruke egnede lese-, lytte-, tale- og skrivestrategier tilpasset situasjon og formål
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  • produsere ulike muntlige og skriftlige situasjonstilpassede tekster med klart innhold og hensiktsmessig stil og struktur
  • anvende hensiktsmessige kilder på en kritisk og etterrettelig måte
  • lese og bruke ulike typer tekster på engelsk som utgangspunkt for egen språklæring og faglig refleksjon
  • bruke ulike fagspesifikke tekster på engelsk med tema fra andre fag, som utgangspunkt for egen språklæring og faglig refleksjon
  • adult book business cactus

Photo by on Pexels.comCriteria for evaluation:

1-2 3-4 5-6
Content Answers some of the assignment, shows little independent thought and research.  Good content, answers the assignment with some independent research. Uses examples.  Independent and well-researched content, and a thorough answer of the assignment. Explains and gives relevant examples.
Pronunciation  struggles with pronouncing a lot of words Has a good pronunciation overall, struggles with some words. Pronunciation and accent are close to, or, flawless
Vocabulary Has a simple vocabulary, uses a lot of repetition and little variation. Has a broad vocabulary, with some more advanced words. Shows that he/she understands the words they use. Has an advanced and varied vocabulary, varies in sentence structure and length. Understands and are able to use and explain difficult concepts and definitions.


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